Saturday, April 18, 2020

How does the book publishing process work? | Daniel Feerst

Daniel Feerst is a respected consultant with Thirty-five years of experience involving alcohol and drug education, addiction treatment and employee assistance professional work. Daniel Feerst always aware of employee assistance program management and drug-free workplace consulting and substance abuse intervention consulting with workplaces and families, in his articles.

Please complete the publishing proposal form. The completed form should serve as an overview of your future Compacts, Monograph or Edited Book. Once submitted, your publishing proposal will be sent for evaluation, and a notice of acceptance or rejection will be sent within 10 to 30 working days from the date of submission.

After approval, you will proceed in submitting your full-length manuscript. 50-130 pages for compacts, 130-500 for Monographs & Edited Books. Your full-length manuscript must follow IntechOpen's Author Guidelines and comply with our publishing rules. Once the manuscript is submitted, but before it is forwarded for peer review, it will be screened for plagiarism.

External reviewers will evaluate your manuscript and provide you with their feedback. You may be asked to revise your draft, or parts of your draft, provide additional information and make any other necessary changes according to their comments and suggestions.

If the manuscript is formally accepted after peer review you will receive a formal Notice of Acceptance and a price quote.
The Open Access Publishing Fee of your IntechOpen Compacts, Monograph or Edited Book depends on the volume of the publication and includes project management, editorial, and peer review services, technical editing, language copyediting, cover design, and book layout, book promotion and ISBN assignment.
We will send you your price quote and after it has been accepted (by both the author and the publisher), both parties will sign a Statement of Work binding them to adhere to the agreed-upon terms.
At this step, you will also be asked to accept the Copyright Agreement.

Your manuscript will be sent to SPi Global, a leader in content solution services, for language copyediting. You will then receive a typeset proof formatted in XML and available online in HTML and PDF to proofread and check for completeness. The first typeset proof of your manuscript is usually available 10 days after its original submission.

After we receive your proof corrections and a final typeset of the manuscript is approved, your manuscript is sent to our in house DTP department for technical formatting and online publication preparation.
Additionally, you will be asked to provide a profile picture (face or chest-up portrait photograph) and a short summary of the book which is required for the book cover design.

The invoice is generally paid by the author, the author’s institution or funder. The payment can be made by credit card from your Author Panel (one will be assigned to you at the beginning of the project), or via bank transfer as indicated on the invoice. We currently accept the following payment options:
  • Credit Card
  • PayPal
  • Bank Transfer
IntechOpen will help you complete your payment safely and securely, keeping your personal, professional and financial information safe.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Dan Feerst : How to format your manuscript for Publishing

If you are seeking a way for a manuscript for publishing with a correct format. Today a brief explanation is hereby Daniel Feerst. He is a respected publisher at He is telling the whole process step by step below.

Step 1: Don't "design" your manuscript

Basically, all designers use software specifically created for designing and building books. MS Word and other word processors are great at creating manuscripts but lousy at building books.
Use BOLD and ITALICs where you need them.
Dan Feerst - Manuscript Design

Create space around heads by using a single return before and after. If you want, style the heads uniquely using the "Heading 1" "Heading 2" and "Heading 3" styles used in MS Word (these are in the menu an item that typically shows "Normal" on the Formatting menu choices.)

If you want a page to break in a specific place, insert a manual page break - DON'T use a long list of hard returns (hitting enter multiple times). This should be done when you want a chapter to start on a new page, or a specific element to fall on the next page. You DON'T need to put a page break at the end of each page - MS Word and other software will figure that out for you said by Daniel Feerst.
Never, ever, ever use changes in page margin to 'fake' a trim size so that you can see what the book will look like in the final layout. If you need to, change the Paper Size under Page Setup. Page margin information flows into a layout software from MS Word - and will create much pain and consternation later in the process for you.

Avoid getting too "designee" within the manuscript itself - instead, help us understand what you want during our phone call, and our artistic team will build the design for your book said by Daniel Feerst.

Step 2: Your manuscript should be a single file

Don't plan on submitting a different file for each chapter. To avoid unnecessary errors and additional costs, please send us your manuscript as a single MS Word file. We can 'stitch' your manuscript together for you, but it will incur a cost and may introduce unintended errors. It is best that you combine your manuscript into a single file said by Daniel Feerst.
Daniel Feerst - Manuscript Publishing

Step 3: Don't embed your art - use art references

For example, don't paste "picture01.jpg" into the manuscript, but put a simple directive like this: [Insert picture01.jpg here] - and our design team will find that reference and insert the art. Make sure you use the FILENAME of the piece of art - otherwise, we can't find it.


According to Daniel Feerst, please place the caption immediately below the directive to insert the image. Place this text at the beginning of the line - [CAPTION]
For Example - your manuscript with an image and caption would look like this:
Dan Feerst - Word Format

[INSERT picture01.jpg here]
[CAPTION] The world's largest cheese wheel.

Step 4: Watch out for extra returns.
Don't hit ENTER except at the end of paragraphs and before/after lines that you want to be by themselves. MS word will determine the line length when we layout your book, and will break them accordingly. Adding extra returns (by either hitting the ENTER key or hitting SHIFT-ENTER) really wreaks havoc with your final book design.

Step 5: Avoid "auto-formatted" fractions, "dingbats" and "wing-dings" in MS Word

Some software system cannot interpret some of the 'special characters' from MS Word - specifically fractions and items from the 'wing-dings type' font sets. A fraction should be represented as 1/2 (one-slash-two) - not the unique 'one-over-two' special character. To turn off AutoFormat in MS Word for fractions, go to Tools / AutoCorrect / AutoFormat as You Type and un-check the "Fractions" checkbox.

Step 6: Do Spell Check

Spell check, then spell check it again. It is important for a publication. After this, you are ready for publication.