Saturday, April 18, 2020

How does the book publishing process work? | Daniel Feerst

Daniel Feerst is a respected consultant with Thirty-five years of experience involving alcohol and drug education, addiction treatment and employee assistance professional work. Daniel Feerst always aware of employee assistance program management and drug-free workplace consulting and substance abuse intervention consulting with workplaces and families, in his articles.

Please complete the publishing proposal form. The completed form should serve as an overview of your future Compacts, Monograph or Edited Book. Once submitted, your publishing proposal will be sent for evaluation, and a notice of acceptance or rejection will be sent within 10 to 30 working days from the date of submission.

After approval, you will proceed in submitting your full-length manuscript. 50-130 pages for compacts, 130-500 for Monographs & Edited Books. Your full-length manuscript must follow IntechOpen's Author Guidelines and comply with our publishing rules. Once the manuscript is submitted, but before it is forwarded for peer review, it will be screened for plagiarism.

External reviewers will evaluate your manuscript and provide you with their feedback. You may be asked to revise your draft, or parts of your draft, provide additional information and make any other necessary changes according to their comments and suggestions.

If the manuscript is formally accepted after peer review you will receive a formal Notice of Acceptance and a price quote.
The Open Access Publishing Fee of your IntechOpen Compacts, Monograph or Edited Book depends on the volume of the publication and includes project management, editorial, and peer review services, technical editing, language copyediting, cover design, and book layout, book promotion and ISBN assignment.
We will send you your price quote and after it has been accepted (by both the author and the publisher), both parties will sign a Statement of Work binding them to adhere to the agreed-upon terms.
At this step, you will also be asked to accept the Copyright Agreement.

Your manuscript will be sent to SPi Global, a leader in content solution services, for language copyediting. You will then receive a typeset proof formatted in XML and available online in HTML and PDF to proofread and check for completeness. The first typeset proof of your manuscript is usually available 10 days after its original submission.

After we receive your proof corrections and a final typeset of the manuscript is approved, your manuscript is sent to our in house DTP department for technical formatting and online publication preparation.
Additionally, you will be asked to provide a profile picture (face or chest-up portrait photograph) and a short summary of the book which is required for the book cover design.

The invoice is generally paid by the author, the author’s institution or funder. The payment can be made by credit card from your Author Panel (one will be assigned to you at the beginning of the project), or via bank transfer as indicated on the invoice. We currently accept the following payment options:
  • Credit Card
  • PayPal
  • Bank Transfer
IntechOpen will help you complete your payment safely and securely, keeping your personal, professional and financial information safe.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Dan Feerst : How to format your manuscript for Publishing

If you are seeking a way for a manuscript for publishing with a correct format. Today a brief explanation is hereby Daniel Feerst. He is a respected publisher at He is telling the whole process step by step below.

Step 1: Don't "design" your manuscript

Basically, all designers use software specifically created for designing and building books. MS Word and other word processors are great at creating manuscripts but lousy at building books.
Use BOLD and ITALICs where you need them.
Dan Feerst - Manuscript Design

Create space around heads by using a single return before and after. If you want, style the heads uniquely using the "Heading 1" "Heading 2" and "Heading 3" styles used in MS Word (these are in the menu an item that typically shows "Normal" on the Formatting menu choices.)

If you want a page to break in a specific place, insert a manual page break - DON'T use a long list of hard returns (hitting enter multiple times). This should be done when you want a chapter to start on a new page, or a specific element to fall on the next page. You DON'T need to put a page break at the end of each page - MS Word and other software will figure that out for you said by Daniel Feerst.
Never, ever, ever use changes in page margin to 'fake' a trim size so that you can see what the book will look like in the final layout. If you need to, change the Paper Size under Page Setup. Page margin information flows into a layout software from MS Word - and will create much pain and consternation later in the process for you.

Avoid getting too "designee" within the manuscript itself - instead, help us understand what you want during our phone call, and our artistic team will build the design for your book said by Daniel Feerst.

Step 2: Your manuscript should be a single file

Don't plan on submitting a different file for each chapter. To avoid unnecessary errors and additional costs, please send us your manuscript as a single MS Word file. We can 'stitch' your manuscript together for you, but it will incur a cost and may introduce unintended errors. It is best that you combine your manuscript into a single file said by Daniel Feerst.
Daniel Feerst - Manuscript Publishing

Step 3: Don't embed your art - use art references

For example, don't paste "picture01.jpg" into the manuscript, but put a simple directive like this: [Insert picture01.jpg here] - and our design team will find that reference and insert the art. Make sure you use the FILENAME of the piece of art - otherwise, we can't find it.


According to Daniel Feerst, please place the caption immediately below the directive to insert the image. Place this text at the beginning of the line - [CAPTION]
For Example - your manuscript with an image and caption would look like this:
Dan Feerst - Word Format

[INSERT picture01.jpg here]
[CAPTION] The world's largest cheese wheel.

Step 4: Watch out for extra returns.
Don't hit ENTER except at the end of paragraphs and before/after lines that you want to be by themselves. MS word will determine the line length when we layout your book, and will break them accordingly. Adding extra returns (by either hitting the ENTER key or hitting SHIFT-ENTER) really wreaks havoc with your final book design.

Step 5: Avoid "auto-formatted" fractions, "dingbats" and "wing-dings" in MS Word

Some software system cannot interpret some of the 'special characters' from MS Word - specifically fractions and items from the 'wing-dings type' font sets. A fraction should be represented as 1/2 (one-slash-two) - not the unique 'one-over-two' special character. To turn off AutoFormat in MS Word for fractions, go to Tools / AutoCorrect / AutoFormat as You Type and un-check the "Fractions" checkbox.

Step 6: Do Spell Check

Spell check, then spell check it again. It is important for a publication. After this, you are ready for publication.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Daniel Feerst - The Ethics of Manuscript Authorship

Authorship becomes a problem increasingly complicated as research collaborations proliferate, the importance of citations to the permanence and subsidies persists and no consensus on the definition is reached. This issue is fraught with ethical because of transport clearly who is responsible for published work is an integral part of scientific integrity said by Daniel Feerst.

Many newspapers now adhere to the guidelines of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), which established four criteria that each author of a document must meet:
  1. Significant involvement in study conception/design, data collection, or data analysis/interpretation;
  2. Involvement in drafting or revising the manuscript;
  3. Approval of a final version of the manuscript for publication; and
  4. Responsibility for the accuracy and integrity of all aspects of research.
Dan Feerst - Publishing Work

In addition, the ICMJE definition, the authors "should be able to identify the co-authors are responsible for other specific parts of the work ... [and] have confidence in the integrity of the contributions of their co-authors. "Based on this description and the fourth criterion, fatherhood involves not only individual contribution spent a research project, but also the joint responsibility underway for this project. As a result, authors can share the glory or infamy, depending on the validity of the work.

The ICMJE also notes that the author must have made "substantive intellectual contributions" to the manuscript. According to Daniel Feerst, creative input is therefore right to paternity that works purely mechanical. A technician acquires data only, a senior researcher raises funds or provides supervision, an employee only providing a new reagent or samples, and other relevant research areas but non-creative tasks are not the author the merit of their own. These people and their contributions could be listed in a section instead of acknowledgments.

Despite this clear definition, many issues (including ethical concerns) have been raised regarding the attribution of authorship. These issues emerged in part because many newspapers continue to adhere to their own guidelines or various modified versions of the ICMJE criteria) and partly because the ICMJE guidelines may be inadequate, as argued by the 2012 International Workshop on Contributorship and scholarly Attribution. A selection of topics that particularly concern the academia is as follows:

Contribution ambiguity

The specific roles of individual authors in a research project are not always clear, especially when a manuscript is attributed to a large group. To resolve this issue, several magazines (like PNAS) require public disclosure of the specific contributions of each author. Some have also suggested the establishment of a database or the use of community networks of existing research (such as research bears) to track contributions. This monitoring is particularly relevant because the scientific production is increasingly defined by measures beyond paper quotes (also known as alt metrics). To further clarify the role of the authors and to promote integrity, some journals require a public guarantee for each item or an author who is responsible for the research project together, including design, acquisition and data analysis and publications said by Daniel Feerst. The ambiguity surrounding the author may also result from the publication of documents by researchers of the same name but could be reduced by using an identifier of ORCID.

Dan Feerst

Authorship order

The significance of the order of the list of authors on a paper varies between fields. In some areas, the list is alphabetical, while in others, the agreement includes citing all those who contributed in some way to the project (which may conflict with the ICMJE guidelines). According to Daniel Feerst, in many disciplines, the order of the author indicates the magnitude of the contribution, the first author adds the most value and the last author who represents the highest role, mainly monitoring. In this model, disputes may arise regarding the background that alone or shared first author. The Ethics Committee of the publication recommends that researchers discuss the author of the project launch to the submission of the manuscript, the necessary review and record each decision in writing. In addition, contributions can be quantified, eg based on a point system (subscription required), to facilitate copyright decisions.

Honorary authorship

Honorary authorship is awarded to a person despite a lack of significant contributions to a research project. One form, author gifts, is awarded by respect for the recognition or a person. For example, in Asian cultures, department heads or senior researchers can be added to a document regardless of their participation in research. Another form, guest author, can be used for many purposes, especially to improve the apparent quality of a paper by adding a known or conceal the links of a paper industry name including the academic author. Other questions about the paternity of honor are the inclusion of an author on a manuscript without authorization (which is often prevented by the journal guidelines that require the consent of all authors) and the coercive author usually consists of a principal investigator (eg thesis advisor) by forcing a young researcher (as a graduate student) to include a gift or guest author.
Daniel Feerst - Publication Rules

Author of honor is a major ethical issue in scientific publishing, as this dishonest practice was found in about 18% of the articles in medical journals six in 2008. From the perspective of the journals, individual contributions lists can help minimize this practice, as one might recall that all authors are responsible for the integrity of a published work. The review institution Peer double-blind could also reduce the influence of important authors in the field of acceptance of the newspaper. In research institutions, the guidelines could assimilate the author of honor research misconduct. In addition, the resources donated to a project without waiting for automatic copyright could be encouraged by the use of contributions, including those listed in sections acknowledgments, as a measure of output, as indicated above said by Daniel Feerst.

In all cases described here, more universal standards for the author manuscript will be essential to promote good practice. As you write and review manuscripts, remember the best practices in this paper, and means to bring the author credit and responsibility to the attention of your colleagues and readers. 

Thursday, February 27, 2020

What is Publication: Daniel Feerst

Self-publishing is taking the book world by storm; so what is self-publishing exactly? According to Daniel Feerst, if you’re a writer researching how to publish a book, you’re taking the right step by weighing all of your publishing options. Self-publishing has become a household term for writers and authors all around the world, thanks to technology. Being a writer in today’s digital age means you have more options than ever on how to become a published author—self-publishing being among the best for those that want full creative control over their book.

Daniel Feerst - Publishing Process

What’s the big deal, you ask? Well, until recently, writers didn’t have much of an option outside of traditional publishing if they wanted to write a book.
The problem with traditional publishing is that it’s insanely competitive, and there are a lot of hoops to jump through to even have a chance at getting your book accepted by a traditional publishing house. But now, the game is changing, and it’s never been easier for writers to self-publish their book.
In this comprehensive beginner’s guide, we’ll walk you through the major points you need to know about publishing a book on your own and how to get started.
Daniel Feerst: Your Publishing Option

What is self-publishing?

Self-publishing is the act of publishing media, especially a creative work of art, as the author or artist, without the use of a publishing house or company. According to Daniel Feerst, self-publishing is commonly referred to in the author and book publishing industry, but people can self-publish other works of art, such as music and visual art. In terms of self-publishing a book, an author writes a book and completes the entire publishing process themselves, such as editing, designing, and formatting the book without the aid of a traditional publishing company.
Daniel Feerst - The Publisher

An author that publishes a book on their own typically has complete creative control, higher book royalty rates, and full autonomy over the publishing process. To self-publish, an author will publish a book at their own expense using a self-publishing platform, such as Amazon’s KDP, and typically maintains full rights to the book.
In short: As a self-published author, you will oversee the entire book writing and the production process, from start to finish, at your own expense, and with full ownership of your book rights.